Most people in our country firmly believe that ingesting alcoholic beverages can greatly help the body's recovery during a cold. But this is a big mistake. Not only will ethanol not help you get back on your feet faster, it will cause more damage. So can I drink at a certain temperature during a cold? We must thoroughly understand this problem.

Ethanol and the cold
The myth that alcohol helps the body cope with colds is based on the warming effect. But this seems to be the case, because ethanol will cause vasodilation when it enters the blood, which causes the blood to flow to the skin. A person feels warm, but this feeling is deceptive, because only the skin warms, heat energy is quickly released into the environment and causes heat loss.
It is strongly not recommended to drink alcohol in the cold. The newly emerging false feeling of warmth is dangerous, and people cannot feel the true temperature.
If you drink alcohol during a cold, it is strange that viruses and bacteria will not spread to the sides, but will continue to exist. Alcohol only negatively affects the function of the immune system, thereby weakening the body and preventing it from fighting infections. Systematic intake of alcoholic beverages during illness will increase the number of pathogenic bacteria, so the course of the disease will only worsen.
But some doctors believe that a glass of red wine can prevent colds well. Considering that many people do not know how to drink alcohol culturally, it is best not to consider this prevention.
Ethanol and temperature
The increase in body temperature during illness is not a symptom, but the body's response to the invasion of foreign pathogens. On the thermometer, the immune system can destroy pathogenic organisms at a very high rate. If the temperature does not exceed 38. 5 degrees, do not rush to knock it down, let the body fight and form immunity, but do not intervene. Alcohol can be a very obstacle.
In any case, drinking alcohol is not advisable, but even more so when there is temperature. If the reading is in the range of 37-37. 5 °C, which is still not that dangerous, you do not need to take a health risk when using the thermometer 38. The alcohol and temperature are not compatible due to the following reasons:
- When the temperature rises, the body will be short of water, so you need to drink more water, and alcohol will only exacerbate this situation. Ethanol makes the body more dehydrated and complicates the course of the disease.
- During the illness, the body begins to enter a state of emergency, and the heart rate will increase. Even if you drink alcohol during this period, the heart will be under tremendous pressure. The pulse increases, blood pressure rises, and the entire cardiovascular system is adversely affected by alcohol.
- Drinking at high temperatures can cause unexpected physical reactions. At first, it may even decrease a bit, but then it will rise even more, leading to a worsening of happiness.
It must always be remembered that not only a cold will be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but also more serious diseases. Drinking with them is even more dangerous.
Why does alcohol cause the temperature to rise?
The fact that alcohol dilates blood vessels is no secret. But what is the reason for the increase in body temperature when drinking alcohol? Let's try to answer this question:
- Ethanol dilates blood vessels, which can cause body temperature to rise.
- Some people's bodies can treat alcohol as an allergen and respond accordingly as the temperature rises and rashes on the skin.
- Sometimes there is a congenital intolerance to ethanol, which can also lead to an increase in temperature.
- Due to certain diseases or allergic reactions accompanied by high fever, alcohol intolerance can develop throughout life.
- Don't forget that alcoholic beverages may contain various impurities, which can cause allergic reactions as the temperature rises.
- Alcohol can cause stomach pain, gastrointestinal problems, and fever.
- Poisoning of the body by ethanol and its decay products is another possible cause, that is, the reading on the thermometer will rise after drinking alcohol during a cold.
So it is best not to take risks and not to test your physical strength. Calling a doctor is more logical than trying to get better with alcohol.
Exceptions to cold drinking
If the temperature does not exceed 37. 5°C, then you can bring alcohol, but it is only special. This applies to mulled wine. This drink is a wine heated to 70° with cinnamon, ginger and cloves. This drink provides the body with useful substances and trace elements, which are important during illness. As for ethanol, when heated, it actually evaporates, so its content in the finished beverage is reduced to zero.
If there is temperature, it is best to cool the mulled wine slightly.
Beer can replace wine, but the beverage must also be heated sufficiently to allow the ethanol molecules to evaporate and add spices. Beer contains B vitamins and vitamin C. But don’t forget, a glass of mulled wine or beer is enough.

Base temperature and alcohol
The basal body temperature chart is usually compiled by women who are trying to become pregnant. It is easy to track the moment when the egg cell matures, which increases the chance of fertilization. For the sake of accuracy, such graphs are fixed over a long period of time so that all deviations can be tracked.
Women should remember that drinking alcohol greatly affects basal body temperature. Indicators 37. 1-37. 3 have already symbolized that a new life is being born in the female body. Drinking alcohol can cause a false increase in body temperature, and the indicators are unreliable.
Can antipyretics and alcohol be used together?
A sane person understands that no medicine should be taken at the same time as drinking alcohol. This also applies to antipyretics. What happens if you take alcohol and pills because of a fever? The following complications may occur:
- The possibility of side effects has increased many times. If they may not appear in conscious people, then combined with ethanol, the risk will increase several times.
- Ethanol will enhance the toxic effect of the drug on the liver. Believe me, this organ will not thank you for such a gift.
- Even drinking beer during cold and antipyretic treatments can cause nausea and vomiting.
How long can I take medicine after drinking? The answer can be as follows: no earlier than 4-6 hours, if you drink a glass of wine. Naturally, with heavy drinking, the time period should increase even more.

Complications and consequences of fever after drinking
It turns out that alcohol does not lower the temperature, but raises it. This can lead to the following catastrophic consequences:
- There is a risk of damage to the nervous system.
- Risk of severe dehydration, which can be life-threatening.
- Impaired blood circulation.
- Blood pressure soars.
- The blood becomes thick and there is a risk of blood clots.
If your body temperature does not drop for several days and stays at a high level, do not delay calling the doctor. This situation becomes dangerous to the work of the entire organism. If the following situations occur, it is urgent to lower the temperature:
- Convulsions were observed.
- The patient suffers from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Diagnosed with lung disease.
- There are pathological and mental disorders of the nervous system.
- The patient suffers from diabetes.
It must be remembered that injuries can be caused not only by oral alcohol, but also by friction, which is often practiced. It is better to entrust the treatment of the cold to an expert or a proven remedy rather than subjecting your body to more tests.