treatment stage
- Purify the body of alcohol toxins.
- Comprehensive diagnosis.
- Drug or non-drug coding.
- Psychological Rehabilitation.
- Social adaptation.
folk remedies
- Headache;
- nausea; nausea;
- Loss of energy and general fatigue.
puppet master
- Chop a teaspoon of marionette roots.
- Pour in 50 ml of boiling water.
- Leave for an hour.
- tension.
- Dilute 1: 1 with boiling water.
everlasting grass
- Add a tablespoon of chopped roots and leaves to a glass of water.
- Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Boil over low heat for no more than 30 minutes.
- Cool.
- tension.
Dung Mushroom
- Chop the mushrooms thoroughly.
- Fry in the pan until the water evaporates completely.
- Cool the resulting mushroom mass.
- dry.
- Grind into powder.

Reasons for drinking
- Social;
- physiological;
- psychology.
- neurosis;
- Schizophrenia;
- Frustrated.
- Lonely;
- Lack of recognition of one's own success and talents;
- isolation;
- lack of communication;
- An unstable life.
How to determine addiction
- Vomiting will not occur even after drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages.
- If a person starts drinking, he will not stop until his body is able to continue.
- appearancealcohol amnesia– It’s impossible to remember what happened the day before.
- Drinking is needed again in the morning to relieve the painful physical and psychological symptoms of addiction.
- Each episode of overeating becomes more severe and longer lasting.
- A person can't help but drink even if he has important meetings and urgent matters waiting for him.
- Removes ethanol and its breakdown products from the blood within a few hours.
- Stabilize the psychological state so that patients can get a good sleep.
- Replenish deficient nutrients and trace elements.
- Starts the recovery process in the body.

- stage and duration of disease;
- What kind of wine the person likes to drink and how much he drinks;
- general condition of the body;
- physical and psychological characteristics of the body;
- Allergic reactions, possible side effects, intolerance to individual components of the drug.
alcoholism coding
- hypertension;
- hot;
- A feeling of impending death, causing panic;
- Arrhythmia;
- Respiratory center depression;
- tremor;
- pain;
- Auditory and visual hallucinations.
psychological rehabilitation
- Group and individual psychological training;
- 12 step program;
- art therapy;
- Day Top Plan;
- Occupational therapy;
- Therapeutic Communities.
social adaptation
- They teach patients to make new friends, since alcoholics often completely lose their ability to socialize during their alcoholism and subsequent treatment.
- They are working to restore family relationships, to which family psychotherapy contributes.
- They prepare a person for employment; this is an important condition for successful socialization.
- They help you find new hobbies and teach you how to relax without drinking.
Advantages of treatment at a private drug treatment clinic
- anonymous– Patients are not registered at the pharmacy like in public clinics. Therefore, a person will not end up in the databases of various government agencies, and he will not face problems in the future, such as getting a license or finding a job in the civil service.
- If the alcoholic's condition warrants it, we provide him with outpatient drug treatment and keep him in a psychologically comfortable home environment.
- When anesthesiologists call your home, they respect client confidentiality. To do this, they don't wear uniforms and ride in cars with no identifying markings so that no one will suspect that your family is facing such a shameful problem.
- Each patient will be provided withcomfortable roomEverything you need is provided. Provide patients with a balanced diet to speed up the recovery process of the internal organs and systems.
- In their work, anesthesiologists only use proven safe medications and effective methods that have proven effectiveness.
- With a comprehensive approach, good results can be achieved on a regular basis. Treatment takes into account the alcohol addict's condition.